I would like to define a set of principles we can all
agree on. I would like to reflect on the obstacles that keep us
To begin, here is the
story of "Love Crusaders":
had an idyllic
childhood, living in the country, studying nature, attending church,
living with parents who never argued and who started a successful
business in our home. We were surrounded by loving friends and family. When I
left for college I was exposed to politics, crime, cheating, arguing,
bullies, arrogance. I
protested the Vietnam War and painted a political picture with Nixon
in it that was used on the cover of our college magazine. I began
painting dark, moralistic paintings expressing my belief
that mankind was hopelessly irrational and violent. Having righteous
indignation is not a bad thing. But I eventually
sought relief from these hopeless feelings. I introduced humor into
my artwork, beginning with Proverbidioms, a painting which
became very
popular worldwide. After
getting married and having children my paintings became all the more
colorful and fanciful. I settled into a nice life again. When the
cold war with Russia ended in the 1980's I really thought there
would be peace in the world.
But in recent times, things have certainly deteriorated. There is so much mindless violence, terrorism, war, hatred,
arrogance, lies, political feuds and so on, among family, friends, neighbors,
countries. America, in trying to help, often tends to make
things worse, in my view because so much of this is done
militarily. And what isn't done militarily is done so inefficiently
and impersonally that little gets accomplished and most of our tax
dollars are wasted. A study found that only 1 out of 9 dollars of
social spending in New York State (where I live) went to the people
who actually needed it. It is a cop out anyway, to rely on the
government, or to expect others to do what is needed to make the
world a better place. We all need to take a personal role in this.
No matter how small, it all adds up.
A few years ago I began to convince myself that a new religion
needed to be started, one without any frills, and whose
sole commandment was to spread love and to truly live it, every day,
every minute. When I told my best friend, he moaned and said we
really don't need another religion. I eventually decided that a
movement would serve, a crusade with the same goal, to
spread love, to our fellow human beings, near and far. It's
not as simple as that of course. I will at some point write a
proper manifesto on the topic. But I need to start somewhere and my
method of accomplishing large tasks has always been to envision them
already finished, and then simply walking toward that vision, doing
the necessary work and learning along the way. Creating a name for
the movement, along with logos, and a website accomplishes that.
I began wearing love pins every day to promote the cause, and stated that my goal was to
not stop until every person in America was wearing one. It proved
difficult switching pins with tiny clasps between shirts and coats, so I briefly toyed with the idea of getting a small
tattoo on my hand (something I'm normally opposed to). My wife rolled her eyes.
I'm sure a better button can be designed. Not a cute one. One that
in bold letters like a commandment.
In many ways I am not the best person to lead this
crusade. I feel my main purpose in this world is already set. I like
to bring joy
through art;
my paintings and theatre
pieces (which focus on the theme of love) in particular. I have
wracked my brain trying to think if there was some sort of painting
I could make, something constructed with archetypal symbols which
when viewed would instantly effect the onlooker and fill them with
loving thoughts and the realization of it's importance. I am still
working on that.
In the meantime, I have planted a little seed in
calling for this crusade. With your help, something larger will grow
from it. Please let me know if you would like to become involved and
be a Love Crusader! Send in your stories, thoughts, photos, videos,
and links for publication on this website. But even if you don't, I
hope you receive a little inspiration from this site and that you
become more conscious of how you interact with everyone you come
into contact with. Please, spread the love!!!
~ Thom Breitenbach