Please submit your stories on our topic!
Story #1
I have a girlfriend who I grew up with. She and I have always been
very close and share most of the same values and morals. Three years
ago, she met a wonderful man, quite self-sufficient, proud, handsome
and very kind. On their second date he told her that he had a
genetic disease and probably wouldn't live for even another 5 years.
His zest for life intrigued her, and even though she knew that he
wasn't going to live long, she fell deeply in love with him. They
married 6 months later and almost a year to the day after they
married they had a son. I was her maid of honor at their wedding as
well as the little boy's God mother. Her husband died 3 months after
the baby was born. The reason I'm explaining all of this is because
what she wanted more than anything, out of the deep love and
commitment she had for him, she wanted to make what he had left of
his life joyous. And that she did. Because of his financial
independence, they were able to travel to places they always wanted
to go. He went bungee jumping with her, skydiving and even learned
to play guitar. She was his rock and always made a point of making
sure he did do all the things that he had wanted to do, but didn't
have anyone before he met her, to do those things with or to to have
someone like her encourage him to do what he always wanted to do, or
try to learn. If I could give someone the happiest years that they
had left, it would make me believe even more strongly that we are
put on this earth for a reason. I am so proud of what she did for
him, I know I would be proud to be able to do the same. ~Anonymous
Story #2
On losing a mother and a pet:
"Over a year ago we moved to FL to be near my Mom. I thought
we had at least a few years together. In six months she was gone.
Our dog Benjamin, who has been our constant companion, healthy and
full of life, I thought we had at least 7 more years together. In a
blink of an eye he too has passed.
Today, I'm feeling a reminder for
self to love and live NOW. Love the people in your life, show them
how much you love them, how happy they make you feel to be in your
life. We are here on this physical plane to experience joy, love and
happiness and in those feelings, because we have loved, because we
are loved we will feel loss, pain and sadness. I know I have loved,
I know I have been loved. Share your love, your happiness your joy."
~Lori King
Story #3
Here are some beautiful and profound words by friend and poet
Lecco Morris that helped us get through Corona Virus:
"I recently learned several horrible realities that hit very close
to home about this virus. It brought me to a dark place.
Then, while I was trying to focus on a particularly melodic,
triumphant birdsong outside, I had this sublime series of thoughts —
almost a daydream, a shaft of light through the unlikeliest crevice.
At some unknown point in the future, this pandemic will be behind
us. That is a fact.
And when that happens: can you imagine the feeling behind a hug,
held much longer than normal? The sensation of a kiss? The soul
satisfaction of a stingingly perfect high-five? The solidarity
behind a large group of people, convened in reverence?
Gratitude and appreciation will bloom so deeply after all this — we
will as a species never have known such love. We will be released
from our shackles and will rub one another’s wrists with more care
than we’ve ever known.
Throughout this hellscape — what is coming at the end of it is a
love for one another that will transcend all the pain, austerity,
uncertainty, disruption and death that preceded it.
Wow. Thank you, bird." ~Lecco Morris, March 2020
Story #4
Dear Person who wants to understand
what True Love is:
"Relationships have never been easy for me, and are not for most
people. The belief of ‘I’m not-enough’ due to unachievable societal
standards and fear of abandonment has taken years for me to process,
and still pops up on occasion. And this is okay. Because our souls
are stronger than this.
For a very long time I
thought I’d never find true love. I allowed my heart to be
shattered, beaten, bruised, and left on the side of the road. And it
was when I felt the most hopeless and afraid that I learned the most
important lesson of my life thus far: The love I was looking for in
another person was inside myself all along. The love YOU are looking
for is INSIDE YOU already. What it really comes down to is
questioning our conditioning and healing ourselves first. Am I being
integral to myself? In my choice of education, occupation, leisure,
friends/family, and behavior? What are my emotions and bodily
reactions telling me about me? Am I in the right environment and
surrounded by the right support systems to make that change? Then by
having faith and being brave, you’ll attract the energy you put out.
Without even knowing it,
you’ll find your best friend sipping coffee in a corner booth and
you’ll lose track of time. You’ll be shocked by how well you’re
treated, by how many jinx’s you have in one conversation, by how
good it feels to be sitting next to someone who shares your energy,
and this time and space with you…because they want to. Completely
free. Where there are no questions that can’t be answered, no fear
of tomorrow, and everything to be excited for. Where the laughs are
all from the diaphragm, and you’re suddenly happy crying so
frequently. The big sads are consoled with a hug and deep listening,
and the growth is utterly continuous. You start to understand what
life is about. True love is the core of who we are, and the
composition of which everything is made. It’s the universe in your
heart, the galaxy in another’s eyes, and a gratitude that doesn’t
fade. But is cultivated in you. So start planting your garden.
Happy Valentine’s Day!" ~
Kelsey Marlowe Jessup, Feb. 14, 2023
Story #5
There is something IRREVOCABLY SACRED in the soft, fine, aged lines
of the OLD… as if a CONSTANT PRAYER AUDIBLE only to the heart… a
benevolence of unfolded truth, tenderness, forgiveness, acceptance
of which one unknowingly mirrors as pealing away fear...sorrow..
..or just modern-day conditions of a very fast life……. .. but above
all as if one is being enveloped by this deepest content… of
gladness, belonging, fragile delight!! :)
Opening up to such truth.. is nothing short of a cell deep soul
renewing.. Whatever precious value you may find in the "past" and
how far you are willing to go.. but take some steps.. on memory
lane.. … whatever "old" may mean to you.. (could be just days old
kisses.. decade old photos.. some ancient item like this 3000 years
old Greek blown-glass perfume bottle I am looking at as I type..
…..Some family artifact.. or a tree a forefather may planted.. the
very land you played your heart out as a kid with siblings.. some
palpable longing you carry in your gene-pole and bones but cant
really describe.. .. or how roaming this tiny little blue
planet-home feels for my traveler friends :)…).
Well, pain and joy is a sacred bond on its own.. yours or not.. and
courageous facing, luminous love releases part of the pain leaving
us renewing energy… awesome contentment.... but even beyond that;
its a strength that allows us to own it up all! That's the place I
think from where deep love and beauty unfolds.. blooms.. spreads
through the fine vessels.. of organic and man-made cellular
networks.. I pray that - lays just under our vulnerable collective
pulse - we never loose how this yet unbreached deep, sacred
connection feels. Makes even a hello feel knowing, subtle and
passionate… Lets put it into a smile.. a hug.. into extra cheer..
How crucial it is to live in the now.. yet the now gets its strength
from our brave past. …hmmm.. can be as old as five minutes ago when
I decided to share… :) …my hello!!! ~ Eva E.